Webinar: Global advocacy, local action - Harnessing the power of advocacy to advance progress towards SDG 4.2 in 2023

UNICEF Education - Events
2 min readFeb 2, 2023


This event has now concluded. Watch the recording and review the post-event summary brief and advocacy resource packet below.

* Webinar Summary Brief

* Advocacy Resources Brief

* Webinar Recording

Webinar Overview

On the heels of the Transforming Education Summit (TES) and World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (WCECCE), Early Childhood advocates must come together to maintain the momentum, promote shared policy priorities, and build diverse global, regional and national coalitions to leverage resources, amplify local voices, and coordinate advocacy activities. During this webinar, we’ll discuss global commitments to action made at TES and the Tashkent Declaration, and how synergies between global, regional, and country-level advocacy initiatives can be leveraged to move the ECE agenda forward as we collectively aim to meet SDG 4.2 commitments. The webinar will showcase examples of successful advocacy approaches for ECCE and explore how to leverage advocacy strategically to increase accountability towards global, regional, and national commitments made for ECEE such as the Global Partnership Strategy for Early Childhood. Lastly, this webinar will share key global resources, such as the ECE Accelerator Toolkit, that can help ECE stakeholders in developing and implementing contextually appropriate ECE strategies.

This webinar will seek to:

  • Elevate effective advocacy approaches and education sector planning processes and tools for ECE through cross-country sharing as part of UNICEF’s Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) project and the ECE Accelerator Toolkit
  • Disseminate key takeaways and policy commitments from the Transforming Education Summit, the World Conference on Early Care and Education, the Global Partnership Strategy for Early Childhood, and other key global commitments to action
  • Facilitate a dialogue between global, regional, and national partners exploring how advocacy can be leveraged to translate the TES and Tashkent declaration global and national commitments into action to meet SDG 4.2 targets
  • Identify opportunities to align and coordinate advocacy amongst global, regional, and national partners and policymakers
  • Familiarize participants with existing advocacy-related resources and guidance

Target Audience

  • Policymakers — particularly technical staff within Ministries of Education
  • Global, regional, and national CSOs
  • Multilateral and bi-lateral leaders and donors


  • Elizabeth Lule (Executive Director, Early Childhood Development Action Network)
  • Christin McConnell (Education Specialist, Global Partnership for Education)
  • Euphrates Efosi-Wose (Senior Advisor, UNICEF)
  • Gwang-Chol Chang (Chief of Education Policy Section, UNESCO)
  • Massey Tucker (Education Specialist, ECE, UNICEF, Sierra Leone)
  • Sayed Mahmud (Manager, Strategy & Partnership, BRAC, Bangladesh)
  • Isaac Atta-Baah (Early Childhood Education Officer, Minister of Education, Ghana)
  • Divya Lata (Education Specialist, Early Childhood Education Global Programme UNICEF)
  • Rokhaya Diawara (Education Programme Specialist, ECCE Global Lead, UNESCO)
  • Emily Garin (Senior Director of Advocacy, Sesame Workshop)
  • Featuring country panel discussion: Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Bangladesh



UNICEF Education - Events

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